About Dr. Faye Allard
Faye is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the Community College of Philadelphia and is currently serving as the department head for Social Science. She is the co-creator of the Community College of Philadelphia’s Diversity Certificate Program, and the co-chair of the FAST fund. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania and her B.A. in Human Sciences from Oxford University.
Faye got her first formal taste of teaching as a teaching assistant while completing her Ph.D. During the very first recitation class she had to lead, she knew then and there that this was what she wanted to do with her life. Eighteen years and 3 professor positions later, she is as committed as ever in preparing students for their future. Faye currently has her dream job – teaching students at the Community College of Philadelphia.
Faye grew up in the East End of London in the United Kingdom, surrounded by a loving family who are dedicated to education. Her mother was a school office manager, her stepfather was a school principal, her brother and sister-in-law both teach elementary school, her other sister-in-law teaches ESL to young refugees, and her youngest brother is a school janitor. You might say that education is in her blood!
As her students know, once you take a class with “Dr. Faye”, you will always be her student. She stays connected to her students for many years after they finish her classes, and she has attended student’s art exhibitions, athletic events, business openings, weddings, and their children’s baptisms and birthday parties. At graduation, Faye is as excited as the graduates. She gives each and every one of her students a hug, takes a selfie with them in their graduation caps and gowns, prints those photos, and displays them on her office wall. She really, really loves her students.
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of others, Faye realized long ago that the little big things really mattered, and has been on a mission ever since to incorporate those ideas into not only her classroom, but her life.
Faye sincerely wishes to thank the following people for all the Little Big Things they have done to get this project off the ground:
Elizabeth, Qurana, Nikki, Kris, Erica, Megan, Jessica, Megan, Jason, and Michelle for marketing help.
Theresa, Vance, and Sandra for logistical assistance.
Katelyn, Angel, Adam, Joe, Ren, and Deena for multimedia expertise.
Rainah for social media guidance.
Siobhan, Sara, and Library Mike for content suggestions.
Sajeda and the Saxbys team for hot chocolate marvels.
Lynsey, Amanda, and the CCP Culinary Arts students for catering .
Nicole for being willing to provide 250 times worth of cupcake support.
Matthew for endless proof reading and encouragement.
Finally a massive shout out to Angela without whom this website and project wouldn’t exist.