Ronald, The Unexpected Hero and Textbook Little Big Things Practitioner
For those of you who do not pay attention to social media, you may have escaped the buzz for a new TV show on Amazon called Jury Duty. The concept is a real-life Truman Show; take one blissfully unaware man, remove him from his phone, internet, and the outside world, stick him in a completely fake and highly manipulated court room, sequestered environment for more than two weeks where literally every other person he encounters is an actor and throw the most ridiculous situations at him to see what he does. And he does splendidly.
Ronald, the Little Big Things hero and blissfully unaware star of his own reality show
Ronald, the “Truman” of the show, without even knowing it upholds all three of the Little Big Things guiding principles. Without giving too much away, he gives by serving as foreman of the jury, and serving well, even though he is very reluctant to do so and faces challenges in the deliberation room. He uplifts by supporting a fellow juror who is going through a tough breakup. Perhaps most touchingly, he validates another juror, who would be judged and promptly dismissed by most as weird, but Ronald spends time to get to know him, encourages and actively fosters his self-confidence. And Ronald expects nothing in return, nor does he trumpet his many virtuous actions; he does these things simply because they are the right things to do. He is wholesomeness personified.
So if you are looking for about four hours of pretty much perfect TV, and for a playbook of how to be a practitioner of the Little Big Things check out Jury Duty. You will not regret it.